11 cosponsors
This joint resolution would provide $6.95 b. for disaster relief operations in the wake of a series of floods, fires, and hurricanes in the U.S. Two relevant amendments were offered to the bill by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) which sought to offset the $6.95 b. in spending by cutting foreign affairs funding. Both amendments would rescind unobligated funding provided in FY11 for USAID foreign assistance programs, including those in the West Bank and Gaza. S. Amdt. 601 was introduced on 9/14/11 was not considered by the Senate. S. Amdt. 613 was introduced on 9/15/11 and was defeated the same day 20-78.
9/15/11 passed in Senate with an amendment by unanimous consent
More on blanket cuts to foreign affairs spending: H.R. 408 of 1/24/11, S. 178 of 1/25/11, and H. Amdts. 111, 167, and 172 to H.R. 1 of 2/11/11
Text of S. Amdt. 601: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r112:S14SE1-0037:/
Text pf S. Amdt. 613: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r112:S15SE1-0051:/