Urging Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who is also Chairman of his Fatah party, to officially abrogate the 10 articles in the Fatah Constitution that call for Israel's destruction and terrorism against Israel, oppose any political...

October 18, 2007
October 18, 2007
Referred to House (sub)committee

14 cosponsors.

“Urging Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who is also Chairman of his Fatah party, to officially abrogate the 10 articles in the Fatah Constitution that call for Israel's destruction and terrorism against Israel, oppose any political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and label Zionism as racism.”

This resolution is comparable to a full page ad placed by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) in the New York Times on the same day, and, according to Americans for Peace Now, it resembled a resolution the ZOA submitted at a meeting of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations.


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